Saturday, June 25, 2005

Weekends are for relaxing, aren't they?

Ohmigosh it was hot all week at the dig. It got worse each day. Every evening I would thank God for air conditioning! I drove home from La Crosse yesterday. Rich went up to the trailer and left me here to do homework. I worked continuously until I realized that it was 4 AM! It still took me time to unwind in order to sleep. I did one of my two required lessons, my reflective journal assignment, and also worked on a PowerPoint as my "scrapbook" due next Thursday. I haven't used PowerPoint that much so I had to play around to figure out how to get the whole picture to show up on the slide. I had to edit the pictures to fit the screen. Finally I figured out what to do. Whew! I did that this morning, so now my scrapbook is as far as I can take it so far. I have to add to that, do another lesson and also do next weeks reflective journal by the end of class. Now I am going to go leave for the trailer and spend a night there. Tomorrow morning I come back here and pack again and go back for week two. I hear it is going to be in the 90's again all week. More when I can

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The quilting part

I typed the quilting part twice. I finally posted a part of my post that I hadn't lost... Try number three!

The retreat was great. I was able to finish some lolly pop flower borders for a mock hand applique quilt I started in 1992! =-) They are still not quite finished. I have to soak them yet and take out the freezer paper that is in the flowers and leaves by cutting open the backs of them. Maybe I'll try that tonight later. Time is slipping away though. I might need to get to bed soon!

I also got the rows sewed together from the "Row By Row" quilt I did with my Thursday night group a few years ago. Have to add some borders and then it will be ready to quilt. I hope that I get a chance to do some of that this summer. I'm pretty booked! (No, I wouldn't do something like that, would I???)

I'll write again when I can.


Oh... my muscles hurt

I just spent 20 minutes typing an entry and then LOST IT!!!!!!! This is new to me. This is the first time that I have been able to use a computer since I have been here. We started the archaeological dig yesterday after getting some basic instructions. First you remove sod, then dig down further with a spade and then scrape it smooth with a flat shovel and then use a trowel. You need to get down to the bottom of the plow zone, where things are undisturbed. Lots of people found artifacts in the plow zone and some found a stain indicating that there is a feature there. A feature might be a hearth, or a place they stored things and later used as a garbage dump pit. Do you remember the old Charlie Brown Halloween cartoon where all the kids are trick or treating and they tell what they got, like, "I got a sucker!" or, "I got a candy bar!" and Charlie Brown looks in his bag every time and says, "I got a rock." Well, that's how I've been feeling. I got a rock. If it would have been a fire altered rock, that would have been great, but not my luck. So, I keep digging and digging and digging and that is where the sore muscles comes in. Ouch. I am not in shape for this!!!! Now I know why they call this a dig. I am going to try to post this before I lose it again!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

What a Day!

I am almost ready to leave. Getting ready to go to a quilt retreat and then directly to my archaeology field experience (dig) has been quite a task. Rich looked at my pile of stuff this morning and said, "You're going to fit all that in your car?" LOL Actually, I am not finished putting it all in yet, but I still have room in my trunk! I am packing a very different type of clothes for each part.

For the retreat I am taking two UFOs along to work on, my row quilt from my Thursday night friends' group (Seamster's Union) and one from quite a long time ago, Garden Pathways, for which I am working on the lollipop flowers border. I also am taking my DJ block things. I have knitting, too. Mittens, fluffy, furry Packer color mittens. I got the pattern from my friend Gail. I got the yarn from my friend Diane who made a pair and had enough left to make another. She gave me the knitting needles needed, too. I may work on these nights at the motel during the dig. That is, if I am not so exhausted that I fall directly asleep.

I am wondering how the dig will be. It could be interesting, or it could be hot, dirty and boring. Maybe it will be hot, dirty and interesting though. I hope so. They always give us so much to do and also not enough direction so we know what we are exactly supposed to do. I'm getting used to them though. I keep telling myself that this is 12 free graduate credits!

Better finish packing and get going! I still have to pick up some prescriptions, some envelopes and some food. Oh yeah, and MONEY. Have to buy fabric during the retreat, you know. Oh, and food and stuff for the retreat and next week. We have a motel room with a refrigerator. Bye for now.