Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I love my home computer!

I just spent over 3 hours putting an order in for supplies at school. I got home at 8:30 PM. It is one of the new duties I have with being the new department head. I was trained a few weeks ago, and haven't found the time to order, so I finally decided to stay until I had it done. Now, part of the three hours was due to my inexperience, but most of the problem was how S...L...O...W... my school computer is! Seriously, I was waiting 30-40 seconds after each thing I put in, and each item required me to put in 5 things. I actually was reading a book while I waited. My computer is so noisy when it is doing something, that all I had to do was half listen so when it was ready (the noise stopped) I could look up and put in the next thing. I REALLY appreciate my fast computer at home! I came home and I am drinking whiskey and diet coke. Pretty bad when a chore drives you to drink! I need to RELAX!

My mom was transferred to St. Luke's Hospital in Milwaukee today. Tomorrow she is having a pacemaker put in. She will stay overnight, and then Dad will take her home on Thursday. Two of my sisters will be there, so I won't go. We are doing WKCE tests tomorrow so it would freak out my principal if I couldn't be there. My sister will call tomorrow and let me know what is going on. I have a long day tomorrow, too. School all day and then I will go to Curves and then I have book club tomorrow night.

This morning I went in and had a CT scan done of my sinuses. I have been having problems since July. It is doing a thing to my ear, where I can hear my heart beating. It hurts, too, sometimes. I was on antibiotics for a month. Didn't work. Then I was on sinus rinses and a nasal spray. That didn't do it either. So now it was time for CT scan and we will see if they can see infection. If they can, I go back on antibiotics. If not...??? It could be from my TMJ. It could be from allergies. Guess I'll wait to hear what the Dr. says. Hopefully he will call tomorrow.

The CT scan was interesting. I had one in '99 and this was so different. It was a machine where I lay on my back and it moved me into a chamber and took the scan. Then it took me out again. I went into the machine twice, but it isn't as close as an MRI where you feel claustrophobic. I just relaxed and kept my eyes shut. It was over in less than 5 minutes. So now I wait.

and wait...

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