Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's Sunday night...

which means tomorrow is back to school! I had a great weekend, though. I caught up on some cleaning. I washed the floors in the kitchen and dining room. I also cleaned the laundry room. With the cat litter in there it can be a mess, especially since she has become diabetic and uses it constantly. I cleared off the kitchen counter, too... no mean feat, let me tell you! I tried to touch everything only once. I worked on some blocks today for Dear Jane friends. I finished a third house block for one and three star blocks for another. One of these days we might actually get back to making Dear Jane blocks! I haven't made any for about a year! But, I have been finishing other UFO's of course!

DH and I went to our community play last night. "Dial 'M" for Murder." It was very well done and we enjoyed it a lot. It was kind of nice to have a whole weekend to ourselves. We love having DS and DGD on Sunday's, but it seems that I haven't had time to do anything but the things I HAVE to lately. Even though my sewing was stuff I "had" to do, it was still sewing.

I think I am going to get my fabric strips out and crochet another rug. I need one for at the back door. I still have a bunch of strips from the cheaper fabric that my aunt gave me. It works good for rugs. I'll have to sew some strips together in a ball so I can get crocheting! I guess that means I won't be knitting my new pair of socks too much in the next week or so.

I only have Dear Jane Club on Tuesday this week, but then Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday night. We don't get as many people this second time. I wish I would get more than I do, actually. Only the one's who should come, don't.

Well, I guess I will go up to get ready for bed. I thionk I am fighting a cold and I don't want to get what the kids at school have been getting. They are out a full week of school! Wish me luck!

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