Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Is it good to be crazy???

I haven't updated since Sept. 6. Today is Sept. 27, so that is three weeks later. I have not had the time to do this. When I clean my house, I change the decorations around. I have snowmen for January, hearts and angels for February, etc. If you came to my house today you would see Fourth of July things... which tells you how long it has been since I cleaned... OK, I have picked up a bit, but there is probably enough dust to write in at the moment. Could be fun!

I am teaching an overload this year (6 classes). I am also the new social studies department head. And I am doing the special class with the archaeology stuff. So I am going CRAZY!!! But... I am feeling good, and I am happy. Stressed, yes, but also happy! =-) I have some great classes this year. The students actually are GOOD!!!!!!! There are some who don't do their homework, but that is every year. Many are in special ed, so I will get some support from their resource room. It is hard to get everything done during the day. I take work home, which I knew I would have to do. It is keeping me from doing what I want to do for fun, though. I was going to do postcards, but I just couldn't get at them. I DID do the Halloween swap, with three sets of six and one of each for me, but it was only because the swap mom was sp patient and let me send them late. Now I am waiting to see what I get back for myself. And I still have to finish one of my own that I messed up and have to cut out a piece again.

Tomorrow I have a meeting downtown to be trained for more staff development for literacy developing lessons. Then I will be doing staff development classes at my school. I work with my best school buddy and we only have to do two classes so it isn't too bad. What was hard was planning for the sub for tomorrow. I have two classes doing testing, three that will be going over questions they had to answer, and one doing a lesson for archaeology. Hopefully I left enough notes so that the sub won't freak out! I'd hate to do that to her because she's a good sub and I don't want to scare her away!

My DS#1 will be here for supper with my DGD in a little while. It is always fun to see her. She'll walk in and say, "Come on, Nana, let's go see what Mama Monkey and the kids are up to." And we'll play with the stuffed animals. I always do Mama Monkey. She is a driver who speeds all of the time and takes sharp corners and stuff. Nothing autobiographical or anything! haha The kids always are driving her nuts, too, because there are so many of them. But we have fun. We'll also have to go grocery shopping tonight and DGD likes to come along and go to the play area. When she turns 8 she can't do that any more. Now she goes and plays with littler kids and reads to them, etc. If she comes into the store with us instead, then she wants to buy 10 things every 10 feet. LOL They are just getting here now.

DS#2 will be here this Saturday from Florida. He's coming up to go to his 10th high school class reunion, but we get him for the day. I am looking forward to seeing him! It's been too long. WAY too long! We are thinking we might go visit him in Florida this Christmas. As long as we are back in time to have DGD over for New Year's Eve. She is already talking about it.

We have been spending our last weekends at the trailer. We'll go close on Sunday. In some ways I am glad because then we will stay home and I can do things at home. Last weekend we had some rain, but it was still a good weekend. The weekend before I had some kind of "bug" and spent the weekend either sleeping or running to the bathroom. UGH! That's what happens when you have all of those kiddies breathing on you, and coughing on you, and hacking things up around you... A lot of the students have been out with the same thing.

I made a list of what I want to do at home. I ought to be able to finish it by 2026 or so... LOL Really, if I have a list I tend to get things done. That's me, the list maker. Hey, it WORKS! I need to finish all the baby quilts and then do some of my bigger ones. I NEED to finish some things!

I'd better get going before Mama Monkey takes off without me. I love riding with her when she drives. Lots of excitement! Like I don't have enough of that in my life already.

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