Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I'm almost ready for Christmas!

Too bad that it is December 26th! LOL

I actually had a wonderful day yesterday, just being lazy and reading and sleeping, and then watching a movie with DH. I also called my brother where my parents are visiting and talked to everyone there. My cards are all sitting here, but since I am having to re-type all of my addresses this year, I have an excuse. Weak, but an excuse!

I haven't had any time to quilt, but I DID pay bills and balance the check books which was quite a feat since I hadn't done it for a couple of months. =-)

I was going to upload a few pictures of my four quilts at the show at the Art Museum gallery, but when I click on the add image icon nothing happens. Darn. I am just learning this and they want me to switch to the new way. I suppose that is their way to force me. I will have to see what I can do. But not now... I woke up today at 4 AM... guess all that sleeping yesterday did it!

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