Thursday, July 26, 2007

I finished Harry Potter

last night, around 11:30. Then, this morning, DH forgot to turn off his alarm (5:39) and woke me up. I couldn't get back to sleep, so I am up for the day (may take a nap later!). As usual. I enjoyed the book, but thought it could have been a couple of hundred pages shorter. For an adult, it isn't the best writing, but I think it is great that so many kids are reading! Good story though.

I have people coming for quiltling tonight. Have to just do a bit of touch up cleaning on the house. Really good cleaning has been done all last week and earlier this week. I scrubbed the dining/kitchen/laundry room floors with a scrub brush to get that ground in dirt off. It was a hard job, but it looks good.

It didn't do much for my aching upper back muscles though... they were getting better and now hurt like heck again. I'm a glutton for punishment.

I lost 4 pounds, which I am happy about. I need to do a lot more in that department. I started walking, but this week it has been too dang hot and humid. I can't take that any more! It should rain tonight and be nice for the weekend.

Our trailer is soooo nice. The day it was delivered, I can't believe how well they did the parking of it. It was right where the other one was by our deck. I was impressed! DH was a nervous wreck that day. I haven't seen him that nervous for a LONG time! I was glad when it was in place. While it was being park everyone who was there that day (seasonals) all came and sat in our site on lawn chairs and watched. DH didn't sit- he paced. We had taken all of our things out of the old trailer, and that day got everything back in and most of it put away. DH put some shelves in the wardrobe closets in our bedroom last weekend so clothes is now put away (we bring folded clothes, not hanging up clothes). He replaced the railing on the deck with a new, better one, and he also added to the upper deck so it now extends longer under the awning. Now besides our swing we can have chairs up there if we want to sit out with other people. He made a new step to get into the camper (our old one had a step inside). He put the awning clips we bought (what we bought the day we saw the camper) on the deck so the awning arms are vertical. So nice! We had to change the path behind the camper to move it back since the camper is longer. I just love the craft room now! Didn't get any chance to use it though, because we were giving tours all weekend. We'll be up for a week soon and I will use it then.

I took the quilt I had on my Nolting off and got some cheap fabric to do a practice piece again... in order to get the tension right before I work on the real thing. I wanted to do that this week, but part of me must be scared because I keep putting it off. Maybe today or tomorrow I'll get the piece on the machine and start. I get frustrated with it. But I really want to get it working so I can quilt all of these quilt tops!

Well, guess I'll go procrastinate again... (smile)

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