Monday, October 29, 2007

OK, so it is now two months later...

I just returned from a "Knit N' Sip" night. I've been getting involved with a fun group of knitters. They usually meet in Appleton, but tonight was in GB. I laughed so hard tonight. One of the women had a Gnome named Gnorm there. He travels from place to place. Well, tonight he drank a glass of wine and passed out. First he had his picture taken with us. He went to Lambeau Field earlier, and several Yarn shops. He's really meeting the laaaaadies!!!!!!

I am working on my second pair of socks. The second sock of the second pair. I love the feel of this yarn, called "Online" it is a self striping yarn, but so soft compared to the "Opal" of which I made my first pair of socks. I'll have to take a photo and post it.

I've been sick a lot this fall. First I had a horrible cold/influenza that wiped me out. I missed two days of school, a Thursday and Friday and was in bed those days plus both days of the weekend. I went back to school on Monday, but that whole week I came home and went to bed. I canceled out of all of my planned activities for that week and even for the week after. I started to finally feel better and now I have something else that is going around. My stomach cramps. Kids at school have it, too. I spent last Thursday and Friday (teacher convention days) in bed again. I missed going up to a friend's cottage to quilt. BOO! I feel better, but still not 100%. I am getting so tired of this! I decided to get healthy again! I am going to the natural food store tomorrow after school to see what I can start doing. I know I need to exercise. But I feel that I also need to get my body systems working better. I need to get eating better... no sugar. I know that now I will lose weight, because over the weekend I packed up all of my "skinny" clothes for St. Vincent de Paul's. Now that I am getting rid of it I just know I'll need it again! Oh well, I'll just have to vuy a new wardrobe.

I went on a quilting retreat with my online group two weekends ago. What a fun and wonderful group of people they are! I always have a good time with them. Meeting in person is great, and I feel that these women are some really good friends. This coming weekend I am getting together with my Dear Jane group at one of our member's house. We are having a retreat. One things we will work on is a crazy quilt made from wedding dresses that will be auctioned of for ... I think it is Breast Cancer. I'll have to check on that. I know that it will be fun, and I know that it is a good cause, but I sort of wish we were making DJ blocks. I haven't made any for ages. I seem to go in spurts with that. Some day I will finish!

I have been working on UFO's, and finished a quilt last month and will soon finish another. I just have binding left. I'd like to get more done, faster, but school takes so much time and then I have been too sick to do much.

We closed up the camper the last week of September and in a way I am glad that now I have weekends free... or would if I stayed home without being sick. I can't believe that it is already the end of October. Time sure flies!

Better get to bed. 5:00 comes awfully early!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you have been so sick! I hope you're soon feeling MUCH better.