Monday, August 01, 2005

Whirling Through Life

Whew! I can hardly believe that my life is this busy! We got home from our vacation, and spent the next few days cleaning and catching up on appointments, etc. The first day back I had two Dr. appointments, plus I did DJ Club at the quilt store. (Luckily, I had prepared for it when I prepared for the June date.) Then, besides cleaning, I went to have my car mirror fixed the next day. I'm embarrassed to say that I hit the edge of the garage door with my mirror and broke the mirror. Because I have such a fancy-smancy car with a memory type mirror, it was over $400! And, that was because they gave me the wholesale price on the mirror and only charged for labor besides that. The next day I had a haircut, and, oh, did I mention that I did cleaning? That's what happens when you aren't around to clean for two months! The next day was Friday, and I cleaned. Saturday I got up very early, and I drove to Naperville, IL, near Chicago. I met some QuiltChicks there for quilt store shopping and lunch. On my way back I stopped at a store I like for buying things for my house, and then got to a surprise birthday party for one of my sisters' 60th birthday right before the birthday girl. After the party I met my DH at our trailer get-a-way. Monday morning I was back at cleaning. The next two days I went to a training session so I will be one of the leaders of my school's first day required inservice. One of those days I came home and fell asleep, the other one I came home and cleaned my refrigerator. The ice making machine part had stopped working. DH looked at it, took it all apart and put it back together again, thinking that maybe a circuit board needed to be replaced. I don't know if thawing it out did it, or something DH did, but the ice machine started working again! We are both claiming we fixed it! Thursday I went to lunch with some friends who used to teach Family and Consumer Ed. when I did. We get togeter every couple of months, and call it networking. Only three of us made it, bu we had a great time sharing stories of our summer. One has an active 2 year old who must be sort of like the Tasmanian Devil... he gets into more trouble than I do! haha After lunch I drove down to the birthday girl's house for a four sisters slumber party. We had a good time being together and talking. We can't stay up as late as we used to, but we did OK. I stayed Friday so I could have dinner with everybody. During the day my DB, DSIL, DN, DNDW, and DGN arrived, too. I got home really late. We didn't go to the trailer because DH had to work this weekend. I was lazy Sat. morning, and totally forgot I had signed up for a beading class for that morning until it was already over. DRATS!!! Maybe they will let me take it at another time. I signed up for it in May. DH got home earlier than we thought he would so we went up to the trailer for the rest of the day and night. I had started reading the latest Harry Potter book on Friday, and read it part of the day on Saturday, and finished it on Sunday. I also worked on some DJ blocks. Between the last two weekends I have made 8 blocks. I think that puts me in the 90's. I can't find my DJ journal so I can add these. It's driving me nuts, because I know that it is right here, somewhere! I'll look for it again as soon as I post this. Today I got up early so that I could go get tickets for my nephew, his wife and their baby to tour the Packer Stadium, or should I say, the "shrine." They spent some time with me before and let me hold the baby. She is just as cute as a button! She sure smiles a lot. I can tell she isn't going to stop once she gets moving! =-) So, now I am going to finish cleaning up my sewing room and SEW today. I think I will work on quilting a baby quilt. I have three left to do. One is quilted, and I have a label ready to go on it. I'll sew that on and then get it ready to mail. Hey, I may catch up a bit and then I'll stop procrastinating. I keep putting it off since I don't feel like doing the machine quilting... but my big tub of TOPS is sitting here waiting for me! I have to take advantage of today to sew, because tomorrow my friend is coming over to work on our units and the rest of the work we need to do for our last summer week for Archaeology. I have to get it all done tomorrow because on Wednesday I leave for a friend's cottage with some quilting buddies, where we will have our own retreat for 4 days. Saturday night I'll be coming home so I can pack to go to my class for a week. Pant, pant, pant, can I breathe yet? On to sewing.... Heigh Ho Bernina, Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

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