Friday, October 07, 2005

Is it summer yet?

I was at school until 6:15 tonight, trying to catch up on correcting. I didn't do it all, but at least I put a dent in it! Tomorrow 5 of my 6 classes will be taking a test on the computer, for Language Arts. In a Social Studies class, go figure! We (social studies teachers) take our classes for three tests, Reading, Language Arts and Math. They are tested in both fall and spring. I guess they feel that Social Studies doesn't teach much so it is OK to pull kids from our classes constantly. It is really BUGGING me! I never have enough time to do what I want to do! Well, as they finish at all different times, and some even go into the next class period, as kids come back to my room they have a study hall, so I will get a chance to finish my grading. Then I have to get the grades into the computer because I have to have grades posted for the first 6 week grade period by Monday.

My co-worker and I have been doing our archaeology lessons in our 5th period classes, and I will be glad when it is over. I would do some of it again, but only if I could do it in all of my classes, and do it the way I feel comfortable with. I love my friend dearly, but we are very different in fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants comfort level. I freak out a lot easier. Tonight I wanted her to show me how you grade the stuff that she came up with and she is ending up correcting it for me instead of trying to get what she does through my thick skull!

Speaking of archaeology, I am late with a journal entry. I am usually so punctual, and I don't even care!

Today I had a horrible headache and I felt like I was going freaking insane! When will I learn? I want to be such a good teacher and I push myself so much. I do a lot of things other teachers don't do, but it makes so much more work for me. I guess I couldn't teach like those other people though.

I haven't had any time to quilt, which is driving me over the edge. Tonight I went to quilting and wotrked on two DJ applique blocks. Finished one and worked on another. I still need to get things QUILTED! Now that we won't be going to the trailer every weekend (we closed it last weekend) I will have more time to do things at home. Maybe I'll even clean my house... I usually clean and change decorations every month. Well, I still have 4th of July stuff out, which tells you when I cleaned last! We have company coming this weekend, but they are such long time friends I don't even care what the house looks like! Maybe I'll get fall/Halloween things out next week. Oh yeah, and clean, too.

I was on antibiotics for a month (three different ones) for a sinus infection and went back to the Dr. again on Monday since I am still not feeling better. My ear is "plugged" and I hear noise in it all of the time sort of like putting a shell to your ear and hearing the ocean (heart beating). It is because of the Eustation Tube having pressure on it from the sinuses. I had to go off antibiotices because my plumbing was starting to leak, oh, about 12 times a day... Now I am on a nasal spray and irrigation and hopefully that will help, because if it doesn't I have to have a CT scan. Oh, I don't wanna have to have the sinuses drained. Gross, huh?

Guess I had better get to bed!

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