Monday, July 24, 2006

Has it really been that long????

Since I posted??? Well, three people have mentioned something to me, so I guess I had better get at this!! School, at the end of the year, was so very busy. I had a student teacher and she needed a lot of guidance, or maybe I should say, encouragement. She came to me after an experience where two guys had basically blasted her and took away all of her confidence. She did well with me, but was not confident. She got better at the end. Student teachers always don't discipline enough. They students would see me in the library or halls and ask when I was coming back. They missed me. I had a lot of good comments from students at the end of the year. I was surprised by whom some of the comments were from. A boy who didn't do much all year, for example, told me that I was his favorite teacher. Gee, I wonder if he does anything for the teachers who WEREN'T his favorite! LOL At any rate, I was exhausted at the end of the year and needed to sleep a lot. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh, sorry, I still doze off sometimes!

I went to a quilt retreat the week after school let out. I actually went to bed EARLY most nights, and also slept in. My body was just tired. I worked on a couple of UFOs, but didn't finsih anything. I did relax though, and enjoyed the people. They said I was very quiet this year, and asked if I was OK. Guess that tells you what I am usually like! (wink, wink) Actually, I think it was because of where I was sitting, and the people around me. They were quiet people. Can't get into too much trouble that way. =-)

DH and I spent 11 days in a row at our camper trailer at the Jellystone Campground. We didn't "go" as much this time, but enjoyed the trailer. It rained almost every day, at least for awhile, and the storms were short but rather violent. It kept us from taking the boat out on the Bay, and also from hiking or biking any distance. Hopefully it will be better the next loner time we will be up there. We go often on weekends, and have so much fun with the other seasonal campers. They got me beading last summer, and I have done quite a lot with that. I'll have to see if I can take a photo of some things to post.

I've been cleaning, and I painted a bedroom. I am waiting for the carpeting to be installed. We are making that room a guest room, but it will be stuffed with things until my new studio is finished. Then we will make this room into a TV/exercise room. I hate waiting for things. Too much of my summer will be gone before I get to the next step. I wish I could hurry my DH along on the studio. He always has an excuse. Yesterday he did say something about taking a few days off of work to work on the studio. That would be great. I'd even help him. A little. Maybe. =-)

Speaking of my DH, he just called that he was going to go donate blood. We both have the same rare blood type (B negative), and they need it. He started donating blood when I suggested that "we" should do it. He's donated gallons, and guess what chicken has never gone and donated even once?? Buck..buck... begock! (That's me making a chicken noise... use your imagination!)

I have been working out in the garden. I am making notes about what I will be moving next spring, to make the gardens bloom more evenly. And, of course, there is always the weeding to do. I actually am going to add two areas. Eventually we'll have a 3-season room on the back of the house and then we will walk out on to a patio I will make and then the flowers around that will blend with the other flower beds, leaving an opening where we will have an arbor with seats. I found someone at the botanical fair who makes them out of metal that looks so cool when weathered. Rich liked it, too. I got so good at DIGGING last summer at the archaeological dig that I figure I can remove sod for the flower beds, and later I will also do that for the patio. Rich doesn't want the work of doing a patio so I am going to do it myself. It'll be cool to be able to say that I made it myself. But... first things first. There are other things I need to avoid doing first. LOL

I have this big long list of things to do, and I am being really good at ignoring it today. I was going to do it tomorrow until I got a phone call a little while ago. Now, instead, tomorrow I am going to go see my sister's new house and then we are going shopping at our favorite place to buy our primitive house decorations. My other favorite shop went out of business. Not because the owner wasn't doing well, but to spend more time with family. It was closed before I even heard there was a possibility of it closing. Boo!

Yes, I definitely am into avoidance today. Can I go take a nap now?


Susan said...

Yes, you can go take a nap, but don't wait another 6 months before posting again. =)

Penni said...

Yes Carol, take a nap. In factI think I need on too, I'm exhausted just from reading your post!

And Susan's right, don't wait so long between posts, I love hearing about what you've been up to.