Saturday, August 29, 2009

I fell asleep...

after supper and now I am awake late! We had a work day today for school and I was exhausted when I came home. So I let myself sleep. I thought I'd be able to fall asleep again at the regular time because I took a muscle relaxer about 4 hours ago. That's from my trip to the oral surgeon yesterday. He says I have muscle spasms in my jaw muscles. the good news is that I don't have wearing bones or arthritis in my jaw. We are trying a month of muscle relaxers, wearing my splint at night (which I always do), heat application and soft food. Hopefully that will calm my perpetual jaw muscle spasms! It was easy to get back into the grind at school, and I am looking forward to meeting my new students next Tuesday. Now I just need to figure out when I am going to exercise. I want to keep up with yoga, and walking. Tomorrow DH and I are going out for breakfast and then taking a trip up to Door County. Hopefully we'll get a chance to see some of our former camping buddies.

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