Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I'm up early

I set my alarm for 5:00 this morning so I can start getting used to getting up at that time again, but have been up since 3:30 when a certain cat (who shall remain nameless, but I have only one cat) decided she would come purr by my face until I got up to feed her. I am trying what my Dr. told me to do, crawl in bed at 8:00 with a book (when I am home). Last night I didn't sleep until 10:00 but maybe as I get used to getting up early I can start to fall asleep earlier. I get so sleep deprived during the year otherwise. Well, I will see how it goes.

We are having a nice soaking rain, which we have really been needing. We have had drought conditions this summer. Despite all my work in the gardens they are not looking as nice as usual. I watered, but those weeks we were gone here and there really took their toll. Hopefully the flowers will rally and next year it will be better.

Yesterday the cable guy came with a new modem. I had trouble last week and when I called the guy set up an appointment to replace my very outdated one. The guy who came said he can't believe that they don't just call to set up appointments to change them with people who still have these old ones. It is making a big difference with the internet now. I can actually view "you tube" without waiting forever! Fortuitous problems with the internet!

I finished a quilt! All but the label. I finished the one that will hang behind the head board of our bed. Called "Stars From Hell, With Birds." Stars from hell because I decided to do them differently than suggested in my pattern and paid the price for it! It turned out really nice. I quilted it on my Nolting and did pretty good, if I do say so myself. Two weekends ago I put the binding on at the camper and worked on the handstitching part whenever I could. Last weekend I put the hanging sleeve on it. Today I should do the label. I have another quilt on the machine ready to go. I am trying to decide what to do on it. Maybe I'll get to that today, too.

Last week and this week have been different. I went with my Mom and Dad to my mom's Dr. appointment last week. She is going to Milwaukee on Thursday for a heart catherization. They are trying to determine if there is anything that they can do to help her. She has multiple problems. I feel so bad for her. She's so tired all of the time, and weak. She is getting depressed again, which doesn't help. She'll just give up. I feel fortunate to have my mom this long; she lost her mom young. But I still want her longer!!!

So the last few weeks of summer have been different than I would have planned. You do what you have to do. I won't be going to the quilt retreat at a friend's cottage this weekend. I may just stay home and quilt. DH has to work this weekend (one per summer) and he might go up to the trailer overnight, but I told him I thought I would just stay home. Next week school starts (inservice and work days) and I want to squeeze a bit more of summer out of my days. I did a lot this summer, but still not as much as I would have liked to. I was going to get into a regular exercise plan, but didn't. My diet hasn't done too well. I have not gotten myself under control, but have just drifted along doing what I felt like doing at any given moment. Some of that is good, but not as much as I have done this summer.

Well, the coffee pot "beeped", so I am going up to get some. I think I'll drink it upstairs and listen to the rain. I'll post a picture of the quilt soon.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

It's Friday and it's still raining! I think we've had enough for now. :-) Thankful for it but ready for some sun here in Darboy.