Thursday, August 02, 2007


I finally am quilting on my Nolting! I was struggling with the tension, trying to adjust it and I knew that the bobbin tension was messed up. Making any adjustment to that changes it a lot, so I was back and forth, back and forth. Finally I got a bright idea. =-) I pulled the bobbin case out of my Bernina, and started "feeling" what it felt like to pull the thread out and then I started adjusting the Nolting case to feel the same. When I thought it was, I popped it in, and with only minor top tension adjustment, it WORKED!!!!! Woo Hooo!! I did a bit more practicing, and put my quilt on and started to quilt. So Tuesday I started working on my quilt, "Stars from Hell, with birds". I have about a fifth of it quilted, and then I had to stop to go get a hair trim, and then we went down to see my parents and took them out to dinner. It was nice. =-)

On Tuesday I had discovered that our air conditioner wasn't working. Well, the AC was on, but no cold air was coming out of the vents. Checked the circuit breakers; it wasn't that. Went to look at the furnace and the fan on the furnace wasn't working. Before we left for my parents DH had called a repair person, who was to come Wed. It got so hot in our house, even with opening windows at night it wasn't enough to cool the house, because it had been so hot all day. I just couldn't fall asleep. I finally fell asleep by laying on an ice gel pack (large rectangular one), but only got 2.5 hours of sleep.

Yesterday I had to work, which meant getting up early. A day of working on a "Learning Plan" for a unit in our new curriculum, that had to be done before fall when the curriculum goes before the Board. I thought I would be really bored, and to my delight, I wasn't. Of course, I was going on a lot of caffeine! LOL We got finished what we wanted to. When I got home the AC was working, but it was still so hot; it must have just been fixed a short time before. I found the papers from the repairperson. The "board" had gone out on the furnace, which he replaced. DH had been home from work to let him in and write him a check. With the heat and the lack of sleep, I just couldn't quilt, so I went to bed after supper, making some phone calls, and reading my e-mail. Today I am going to a Dr. appointment and then I am going to quilt. We'll see how far I get. Quilting is at my house tonight. A couple of them haven't seen my new studio yet, and one had asked to see my run the machine, so we'll see. I have backing out for a second one. =-)

I've been watching DVDs of "Lost" while I cleaned up down here. I watched it on TV but I was always missing here and there and would get confused. So at a big sale (buy one, get one free, at Barnes and Noble) I bought the first two seasons. Trouble is, I can't quilt and watch at the same time! I think that I am on the last one of season 2 right now. So this afternoon when I get back I will have to play music instead. =-) When I quilt I go into a "zone". It is one of those things dealing with passion, I think. Well, off to have the rest of my day!

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